Grant Policy
1. Introduction
1.1 Brighter Future Initiative (BFI) provides funding for projects which aim to improve the social and economic welfare of communities residing in the UK. Subject to this principle, the Trustees retain absolute discretion as to the making of grants. The Trustees will give particular consideration to projects which they consider to a) build communities from the bottom-up and b) empower communities in the long-term.
1.2 Brighter Future Initiative is a registered charity (1163023) and a limited company (number 9265109) benefiting communities in the UK. It is governed by a Board of Trustees.
2. Purpose of this Policy
2.1 The purpose of this policy is to set out the principles, criteria and processes that govern how Brighter Future Initiative makes grants across all fund types.
3. Definition of a Grant
3.1 A grant is defined as a financial award made by Brighter Future Initiative from its funds to support charitable activities, usually to registered charities or charitable community groups, but sometimes to other bodies or individuals.
4. Governing Principles
4.1 The Board of Trustees has ultimate responsibility for all grant-making decisions subject to Brighter Future Initiative’s charitable purposes and any restrictions agreed with donors.
4.2 The Board of Trustees reserve the right not to approve any application, recommendation or nomination if, through its decision-making, it determines that the resulting grant would not be charitable, would conflict with BFI's Grant Policy or would damage its reputation.
5. Grant-Making Criteria
5.1 The aim of the grant-making criteria is to provide clear guidelines on behalf of the Board of Trustees to those individuals and groups who wish to apply for grants.
5.2 The grant-making criteria is as follows:
5.2.1 The grant-applicant must be a registered charity or, if not, the work the funds being requested for must be legally charitable.
5.2.2 The beneficiaries of the grant must reside in the UK.
5.2.3 We only make grants to support specific projects. We do not provide funding to support the running costs or general activities of an organisation.
5.2.4 The grant-applicant should have a governing document (constitution, rules, memorandum and articles of association etc.).
5.2.5 All applications from previous recipients of grants or from previously unsuccessful applicants will be considered by the Trustees on their own merits. Although the Trustees will have regard to the outcome of the previous grant, any new application will in no way receive preferential or adverse consideration.
5.2.6 The grant-applicant must have a bank account in the organisation's name with at least two unrelated signatories.
6. Grant Application Process
6.1 All applications for grants should be made online by visiting
6.2 Before awarding a grant to an organisation or an individual, the Board of Trustees require that the application should:
6.2.1 Inform the Board of Trustees of the purpose of the application, details of the project, the specific need the project addresses, the way in which the grant will be used and how it will be managed effectively for its intended purpose;
6.2.2 Inform the Trustees of the names of those who are to be involved with the project/work to be carried out and the identity of the person(s) who will be responsible for the administration of the grant;
6.2.3 Provide adequate information regarding the identity of the applicant and/or of the status of the person(s) who will carry out the project/work;
6.3 BFI will inform you as to whether your grant was successful or not.
6.4 If the Trustees are minded to approve a particular grant application, they may wish to meet with the person making the grant application to discuss the particular project.​
7. Assessment Process
7.1 All grant applications will be subject to initial assessment to ensure they meet the basic criteria for funding.
7.2 Grants will be considered by the Trustees at their meetings, and the Trustees will aim to write to all applicants informing them of the outcome of their application for funding within three months of the date of the application.
7.3 Applicants should note that, as with many other charitable trusts, Brighter Future Initiative may receive far more applications that it has funds to support. Even if a project fits the Grant criteria and a detailed assessment has been made, the Charity may still be unable to provide a grant.
7.4 The Trustees will not be obliged to provide an explanation to the applicant should their application be unsuccessful.
8. Monitoring and Publication
8.1 It is the policy of the Trustees to monitor the outcomes of all grants made. To this end, before a grant can be confirmed, conditions will be stipulated appropriate to the work to be carried out and progress will be assessed against agreed targets and/or milestones.
8.2 If the grant is payable in instalments, then payment of subsequent grant instalments will be dependent on satisfactory progress having been demonstrated and the Trustees reserve the right to withdraw the grant on receipt of unsatisfactory progress reports. Failure to submit reports at the time specified by the Trustees may jeopardise the continuation of the Charity’s support.
8.3 In addition to reports detailing progress, grant recipients will be expected to provide:
A statement of how their Charity monies have been spent for the year;
Details (where appropriate) of any other funds applied to the same project.
8.4 Monitoring visits by representatives of the Charity may be expected during the period of a grant.
8.5 The Trustees also expect to receive copies of any published articles, papers or other tangible material which may result from the project.
8.6 Following the conclusion of the project, the grant recipient will (where appropriate) be expected to submit a final report, normally within three months of the end of the grant, detailing fully the results and outcomes of the project. The grant recipient should inform the Charity of any extenuating circumstances whereby the submission of the final report is delayed, to allow a mutually acceptable date for submission to be agreed.
9. Variations to this Policy
9.1 The Board of Trustees may vary the terms of this policy from time to time.